Education & Labour Market Group

Every Monday we have an Education & Labour Market Group for all members who are interested. Here members talk about their experience of employment and work goals and dreams in the labor market and education. We review the content and legislation around flexitime, subsidized jobs mm.

A ferw times a year, we hold one UA-dinner for members who are working or want to return to work / training. 

In addition to transition work we also like to help in relation to light jobs and flexible jobs, work training and education. This can be focused on in cooperation with social services, employers, support and follow-up work. 

There are many opportunities to get connected to the labor market through the house.

One purpose of getting in the house is that you get the opportunity to rebuild independent living. This is done through a gradual rehabilitation. By doing meaningful work, and working together with others, you increase your self-confidence, self-esteem and ability to take responsibility.

All members have the right to have what we call transitional work. Transitional Employment is typically a part-time job at 3-15 hours a week and extending over a period of 6-9 months. Here are some of the ways that you can test your professional skills in the private or public sector. 

Before beginning work, a staff member will together with the workplace test and assess, whether the work is suitable. The employee shall maintain close contact with you and the workplace throughout the process. In case of illness, a second member or employee is to step in as a substitute. Normally, employers pay minimum wage of the discipline. 

After 6-9 months the work is normally taken over by another member from the house, so that most of the house's members have the opportunity to test themselves in a workplace under normal conditions. 

Proposals for this type of job, be it warehouse work, office work, cleaning work, handyman, etc.

And if you get a job or start up on an education, you are still welcome to use the house.